I have several things to blog about. Chief among them is the fact that Blogger is not cutting it for me anymore, so I'm thinking about switching to WordPress and have made inquiries for a host. I'm not ready for my own domain, and I'm not sure I could afford it, anyway. Someone on Blog*Spot already has Contrariwise, my title as of this year. So that leaves hosting.
I might wait a bit to move, though, because
I was mentioned in a national newspaper. I realize that anyone who wanders through here after reading that article will see this post and think I'm a huge dork. But I am, so that's fine. Totus Pius posted
the article from the National Catholic Register, since they were mentioned as well. Oh, my gosh. This is so exciting, and I am definitely encouraged. Thanks,
Eric, for including me in your article (even if you did get my title wrong; I guess it's not as obvious as I thought), and to
Julie for mentioning the Totus Pius post so I would know it existed.
And of course, thanks to the Holy Spirit, for filling my life with so many things to share and the gift to express it here.