I am going on an official hiatus as of today. I'm having my computer fixed tonight, and then I won't have Internet access in the dorms on campus while I'm doing the summer program next week (Sunday through Friday), so it seems like the best thing to do. I anticipate getting a
lot of pleasure reading accomplished.
I need to mention a few things before I go, though.
Today is the feast day of St. Maria Goretti. She is the patroness of the UMD court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. I've
posted about her before, explaining her exemplary martyrdom. If you're interested in saying a few special prayers for this day, check out
her official site. (Gotta love the effect of recent canonizations.)
This week's
Catholic Carnival is up at CowPi. And even though it's not a Carnival entry,
this post on driving rules at CowPi is worth a look.
I found a host! I'll be moving in after I get back from the program. The transition will take some time and study on my part, but I'm really excited. I'm going to be using WordPress as my blog's content management system, so I have to learn about PHP. I've gotten good enough at (X)HTML and CSS that I feel like I can take on this challenge.
My hostess is not someone I already knew, which could be good or bad. I'm going to give it a shot, though. I'll never know if I don't try, right?
I have started using
del.icio.us. If you haven't heard of it, it's like a cross between a social network and remote bookmarks. Anyway, if you're interested,
my del.icio.us is finally organized the way I want it. (Come on, you knew organization was going to be a factor.) Feel free to send me links and put me in your network and all that. You might have to identify yourself, though, if I don't recognize your username.
That's all for now. If you're so inclined, please pray for me, my co-coordinator Chaz, all the participants of the program, the professors, and everyone else working with us. We're trying something new here, and we could use all the help we can get.
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!